Monday, May 27, 2013

Plein Air Day in Green Lake

A one-day plein air event yesterday--went to it kind of spur of the moment & it was the perfect way to ease into this new world of painting outdoors, fast, and with a time limit! I had about 5 hours yesterday, but when I do the Cedarburg event in a few weeks I'll have about 10 days. Most useful tool yesterday, which I fortunately had with me, was a very fine tweezers. Why? Because I painted this on a dock, and there was a hatch of some tiny winged insect that kept landing on, and getting stuck to, the wet paint! Never have that problem in the studio. Also got quite a sunburn because it never occurred to me that even though it was 60 degrees the sun will still get you! Overall a great day, great experience, and confidence builder for the next one.
 This painting is available to purchase at Arts of Daycholah Gallery in Green Lake, WI.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

First plein air of spring

I finished my first plein air of the season today. Started yesterday morning & went back out today to finish it. My backyard--The Unkept Forsythia.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Painting progression, continued

Here's today's update. It's getting there! Lots more to do yet, but they're starting to come to life.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Progression of a new painting

I'm working on another version of the "Chickens on a Rail" painting--this one was commissioned, a little larger than the first one. I started on it last weekend. Here are some photos showing the progression. Still very early stage, & I'll work some more on it this coming weekend. It's sitting there on the easel, calling to me, but I have TONS of graphic design work this week with tight deadlines, so I must turn away from it....for now. :)

The dreaded blank canvas:

The background is put in with acrylics (dries faster):

Then I sketch out the shapes with charcoal:

Then start blocking in the shapes/colors (now switched to oils)

And finally pick up the palette knife & start working on the bodies, to start to bring them to life! Just got started at this point, a long ways to go! I also see some issues w/ the rendering that I will fix as I go along. Stay tuned....

 " You're gonna ruin it ."  Those 4 little words are the artist's constant companion as they work. It tends to happen towa...